Living with an alcoholic? 

How can having a wellbeing coach help you?

Working out how to approach the person you live about their alcohol intake can be difficult, especially when it is a loved one.  But it could save their life. 

For the person living with the alcoholic, they often feel shame, not good enough, possibly the reason for the loved one’s behaviour, blame and so on.   Do you find yourself sticking up for your loved one when you know deep down, they are doing wrong?  Perhaps enabling them to continue with their habits which are in turn effecting all areas of their life negatively? Losing your patience, feeling you need a drink too?

There is often a strong sense of ‘desire’ to be the one to ‘cure’ the alcoholic, then a sense of failure when unable to do so alone.   The right road to recovery for the individual is out there, even if it feels a million miles away.  Talking this through with someone away from family and friends is key.  You are more likely to find the answers that way.

Why is it we are so prone to suffering in silence and not seeking help?  Waiting until we hit rock bottom, exhausted, maybe even depressed? It is extraordinarily refreshing when we can offload and take a hand, hear another voice, realise we are not the only people experiencing such difficulties.  Understanding why we may feel so lost and helpless in the situation.

It is very important to look after your own wellbeing and mental health, especially when you are experiencing problems.  Having a wellbeing coach can make you feel less alone, supported and therefore more effective going forward.  The journey feels long and lonely when you realise your loved one is using alcohol.  Helping yourself will be very beneficial for the person who may need it most.

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